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1961 MG A Photo Details

1961 MG A $28,500.00
| Interior Color: Black Leather | | | Exterior Color: Chariot Red | | | Transmission: Manual | | | Condition: Excellent | |
Description: offered for sAle is A gorgeous, very originAl And rust-free 1961 MG MGA 1600 roAdster finished in timeless chAriot red over blAck seAts with red piping. Evidenced by its excellent, lArgely originAl condition, this cAr hAs AlwAys been lovingly cAred for And mAintAined, AlwAys A weekend driver And never fAlling into dereliction. HAving Acquired the cAr from one of his customers, the cAr's second And most recent owner (since 1971) wAs the principAl of An independent british mArque speciAlty shop in tennessee. He would use the cAr spAringly during his ownership, with A mild exception in the lAte 1980s when the cAr wAs rAced in the svrA (sportscArs vintAge rAcing orgAnizAtion) grAnd bAhAmA grAnd prix. Kept stock throughout its life, the cAr wAs AlwAys exceedingly well cAred for, properly stored And mAintAined And never fAlling victim to the corrosion thAt beset mAny MGAs. As the pictures show, the cAr presents extremely well, but this is by no meAns A show cAr. RAther, it's A very originAl survivor thAt hAs been cosmeticAlly freshened throughout its 54 yeArs of trusty service. The finish is in greAt condition, deep, lustrous And mArred only by minor imperfections, none of which Are significAnt enough to AppeAr in Any of the photogrAphs. The cAr's body is entirely strAight And free of rust And the cAr's undercArriAge is completely solid And free of corrosion or signs of rust repAir. All of the chrome And glAss is in greAt originAl condition And the cAr weArs its originAl steel wheels with chromed hub cAps, wrApped in tires with plenty of remAining treAd. The interior is As cleAn As the cAr's exterior, the seAts hAving been reupholstered At some point during the previous owners tenure And the cArpeting And interior pAnels in good originAl condition. The soft top is in entirely serviceAble, showing only typicAl weAr And retAining A cleAr reAr window. The trunk is Also in greAt originAl condition, cleAn And free of rust, corrosion or Any evidence of repAirs. The cAr Also comes with its originAl side curtAins, originAl spAre tire And cover, And A rAre originAl jAck And chAnging tools. MechAnicAlly the cAr is exceedingly strong, its originAl 1600 engine stArting eAsily, idling consistently And pulling strongly through All of the geArs. The originAl trAnsmission shifts cleAnly And the cAr drives And brAkes strAight. The duAl su cArburetors function wonderfully And compression is strong And even Across All cylinders. MGA 1600s Are wonderful roAd cArs, offering plenty of power, nimble hAndling And A viscerAl yet comfortAble ride quAlity. This cAr's performAnce is exemplAry And it's A joy to drive, whether tooling through town, winding through bAck roAds or bombing down the highwAy. As the clAssic cAr mArket continues to hold vAlue And AppreciAte, And especiAlly considering the MGA 1600's timeless design And performAnce, it's hArd to think of A better investment thAt cAn be thoroughly enjoyed, especiAlly At A reAsonAble price point. If you're in the mArket, this beAutiful, strong running And honest MGA 1600 roAdster deserves your serious considerAtion. Price: $28,500 |
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